Capital of Sri Lanka
The Pettah
The Tamil word for village is Pettah and this district is a
crowded village market with busy narrow streets laid out in a
bazaar fashion with each street devoted to a different trade.
The Gangarama Buddhist Temple
This important 120-year-old Gangaramaya is not the typical Sri
Lankan temple. - it’s like a vast treasure-trove museum. Rather
than huge, open spaces and tranquility, there are huge
collections of fascinating artefacts including Buddha statues
from all over the world along with statues of Hindu gods, old
watches, cameras, Dutch coins, ivory carvings and many other
antique collectibles. There are even several old cars.
The temple is mostly celebrated
for its lavish architecture and
statues in Sri Lankan, Chinese,
Thai, Burmese and many other
artistic styles. The centrepiece
is a cluster of traditional
buildings around the
mandatory Bo tree, which
grows out of a raised platform.
Worshippers walk clockwise
around the tree throwing water
onto it. The Image House is
supported by carved dwarfs in
elaborate poses (dwarfs are a
symbol of prosperity). Inside is
an enormous orange Buddha
surrounded by elephant tusks
and dozens of other garland
bearing Buddhas in various
sizes. The temple museum
houses the smallest Buddha statue on the island, carefully
encased in a glass box, which can be viewed with a magnifying
class and several old parchments in very small writing.
Colombo National Museum
A Renaissance style building that opened in 1877 and houses
an impressive collection of Sri Lankan artefacts and works of
art. The most unusual religious artefact is the decorated,
carved ‘urinal stones’. The throne of the kings of Kandy was
housed in Windsor Castle from 1815 to 1934 when King
George kindly returned it.
Most of the bejeweled and shiny trinkets are gifts from
devotees to the temple’s head monk, Ven. Galaboda Gnanissara
Thero, one of the island’s most recognizable religious figures,
who assumed administration of the Gangaramaya as a 16-year-
old novice monk. There are also many outlandish souvenirs that
Gnanissara Thero gathered from places he’d been to. The monk
was also an antique car lover with his collection of old Rolls-
Royces and Mercedes, including Sri Lanka’s very first Mercedes.