Bay of Islands
A beautiful maritime park
The Bay of Islands in the very north of
New Zealand is in a subtropical micro-
region known for its stunning beauty &
history. The area is a fine maritime park
with its 144 islands, secluded bays and
an abundance of marine life including
penguins, dolphins, marlin, whales,
gannets and more. Discovered by
Captain Cook in 1769, it was the start of
European civilisation in New Zealand
and has important historical significance
for both Maori and Europeans.
The Waitangi Treaty Grounds of Paihia is
where the Maori chiefs first signed their
accord with the British Crown on 6th
February 1840 and the Treaty of
Waitangi became New Zealand’s
founding document. The Treaty House is
the former house of the British Resident
in New Zealand, James Busby.
Within the grounds are a magnificently
carved meeting house and the world’s
largest ceremonial war canoe which was
made from one tree trunk. The joins in
the boat seem to be ‘stitched’. The sides
of the boat are in the same shape as a
fish’s scales which make the boat
smoother in the water and the ‘net’s at
the front are there to catch the bad
The flags flying in the grounds are the
three official flags that New Zealand has
had since 1834 – the flag of the United
Tribes of New Zealand (the earliest), the
Union Jack (from 1840) and the New
Zealand flag (from 1902).
Puketi Kauri Forest
The kauri tree is New Zealand’s largest
and most famous native tree. It’s a type
of conifer or pine tree which grows in
the subtropical northern part of the
North Island. In the past, the kauri tree
was deliberately wounded by Gum
Bleeders to extract the highly valued
gum which was used in the manufacture
of varnishes and linoleum. When
wounded the Kauri produces the gum to
act as a bandage as the tree tries to heal
itself. However, these wounds can cause
infection and the tree may succumb to
being blown over in storms.
The Kerikeri Basin is where Maori
welcomed missionaries in 1819 to
establish a Church Mission Settlement.
This established the framework for New
Zealand's bi-cultural society. In KeriKeri
are New Zealand's oldest house, Kemp
House (1821-22) and the world
reknowned Stone Store (1832-36).
Russell town was the first capital of New
Zealand and one of the first European
settlements. It was known as 'the Hell-
hole of the Pacific' as the first settlers
were ship deserters and time-expired
convicts from New South Wales. Captain
Hobson reported that it was 'a vile hole,
full of impudent, half-drunken people'.
The town is rich in history with a variety
of charming old shops and cafes.
The Duke of Marlborough Hotel claims
to hold the oldest liquor licence in New
Zealand. The police station building (c.
1870) was originally the customs house.
The cannon mounted close to the beach
was used in the defence of the town. At
the southern end of The Strand stands
the elegant Pompallier House. Bishop
Jean Baptiste Francois Pompallier (1801-
71), a Frenchman and the first Roman
Catholic Bishop of the South-West
Pacific, arrived in 1838 to establish the
first Roman Catholic mission in New
Zealand at Kororareka (Russell).