Caledonia Sky

a luxury small expedition


Refurbished in 2012, the Caledonian Sky is a spacious, yet intimate, expedition ship. with a max of 114 guests. The cabins were spacious and well fitted. The atmosphere on board was warm and convivial with a good daily programme of talks and a daily briefing. The ship lacks a plunge pool but has a small gym if you want to wear off the extra calories consumed from the delicious meals and wine served on the ship. There are 2 restaurants (inside and outside) and the catering staff make every meal a pleasure.

wildlife at sea

We were extremely grateful to the Captain who opened up the bow deck to enable us to watch closely the dolphins that were riding the bow wave of the ship. It was an amazing experience. Throughout the trip we saw a variety of dolphins very closely – Common Bottlenose, Spinner and Dwarf Spinner.  Also Curvier’s Beaked, Short-finned Pilot and Dwarf Sperm Whales were seen. Birdlife was abundant during the cruise, both at sea and onshore to the delight of the birding community on board.