Espiritu Santo
The Capital of Adventure
and a diver’s mecca
Espiritu Santo, the largest of Vanuatu’s
islands, with a population of about
40,000. It has the country’s four highest
peaks, white sandy beaches, amazing
blue holes, caves and renowned
snorkelling. It was also a huge military
base during World War II. Louganville
has a very wide main street as a result of
the American base Commander insisting
that four trucks could be driven along
the street.
Million Dollar Point
We went snorkelling at Million Dollar
Point where the Americans dumped
their tanks and equipment before
vacating the island after World War II as
they had insufficient space on the ships
returning to the US to take all the troops
and equipment. Additionally, it was
thought that if all the equipment
returned to the US it would severely
affect the US economy as no-one would
want to buy new trucks, bulldozers or
jeeps. It was also reported that the
vehichle/equipment manufacturers had
clauses in the contracts which forbid the
return of equipment (to protect the
post-war market).
The military tried to sell the material to
the Franco-British colonials but hey
refused to buy, thinking that the US
would leave it all to them anyway.
However, the US dumped it all in
retaliation when they refused to buy.
The US Army lined up all the surplus
equipment on the shore, with engines
running. Hand throttles were slammed
on and bricks placed on accelerators
then the equipment put on the ramp to
plunge 40 metre into deep water. The
locals thought the Americans had gone
mad! The site gained its name from the
value of the equipment at that time.
There is an amazing quantity of
wreckage on shore and underwater:
jeeps, six-wheel drive trucks, bulldozers,
semi-trailers, fork lifts, tractors, sheets of
corrugated iron, and loads of bottles of
Coca-Cola. Despite salvage efforts the
dumping ground remains visually