Total Solar Eclipse of 2016
From Bali to Borneo
We saw four endangered species of bird and animals during our trip.
Bali Starling
We saw the Bali Starling whilst on a nature trek at The Menjangan.
Their most distinctive feature is the blue skin around their eyes.
They are less stockier than their less exotic cousins with white
bodies and black wing tips. They have a sharp chatty call. There
are between 50 and 120 in the wild, with The Menjangan having
about 20 in the Barat National Park, in which it is situated.
Komodo Dragon
Officially, they are lizards but given that they can grow up to 10 ft
long and weigh 300lb, with claws and shark-like teeth, they are
deemed to be as close to dragons as we will ever know. Any
animal that is bitten by one will eventually die from the 50 strains
of bacteria in their saliva. They have an incredible sense of smell
and home in on the corpse, once it is dead. They are very fast and
eat deer, pigs and water buffalo. Less than 5000 survive today.
Borneo Orangutan
Borneo orangutans are distinct from other types with their
broader faces and shorter beards. Unfortunately, between 200
and 500 enter the pet trade each year plus their skulls can fetch
up to $70 each.
Numbers have also declined due to illegal logging and mining
taking away their habitat. Between 12,000 and 15,000 survive
today which is roughly 80% lower than 20 years ago.
Borneo Sun Bear
The little-known sun bear is the smallest bear species and the best
tree climber. Their fondness for honey means they are sometimes
named ‘honey bear’.
Once found throughout Asia, from India to Vietnam and China to
Borneo, their numbers have declined by more than 30% over the
past 30 years. Their main threats are deforestation, commercial
hunting and the pet trade. They are often found in appalling
conditions; without a home, a mother, or left to rot in tiny cages.