Total Solar Eclipse of 2016
From Bali to Borneo
The Republic of Indonesia, the world's fourth most populous nation, has 203 million people
living on nearly 1000 permanently settled islands (there are over 17500 islands). Nearly 300
ethnic groups with 750 languages and dialects range in population from the Javanese (about
70 million) and Sundanese (about 30 million) on Java, to people numbering in the thousands
on remote islands. The official language of Indonesia is ‘Indonesian’ or ‘Bahasa Indonesia’.
Much of the outside world's image of Indonesia is based on Bali, which is a prime tourist
destination. However, Balinese culture is very different from the national mainstream,
especially in its unique Hindu-animist religion. Inscriptions from the ninth and tenth
centuries AD record the emergence of Balinese kingdoms that would later fall under
Javanese domination. In the sixteenth century, King Batu Renggong of Gelgel unified Bali.
The social and religious order that was established at that time continues to the present day.
Bali culture is steeped in a rich tradition and spirituality that focuses mainly on art and
religion, with the two often expressed through each other. Most Balinese people are an artist
of some kind and spend their leisure time working on hobbies and artwork that have been
passed down through generations. Many public areas, homes and paddy fields are
decorated by detailed paintings, intricate carvings, fine weaving, extraordinary rice
decorations and artworks that pay religious homage.
Rituals seek to maintain cosmic harmony among the three levels of the Hindu Universe: that
of the gods above the mountain peaks, the demons below the earth and sea and the human
world in between.
Temples are the meeting points of the humans and gods. There are temples for almost all
aspects of life including those for ancestors, rice fields and the village. Offerings of palm
leaves, flowers and foodstuffs are made daily in the shrines that are present at every home.
Indonesia is centrally-located along ancient trading routes between the Far East, South Asia
and the Middle East, resulting in many cultural practices being strongly influenced by a
multitude of religions mainly Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Protestantism, Catholicism, and
Confucianism. The largest religious group in Indonesia is Islam with almost 86% of
Indonesians being Muslims. Indonesia is also the most populous Muslim-majority nation in
the world.
Indonesia is culturally rich. Indonesian art and culture are intertwined with religion and age-
old traditions from the time of early migrants with Western thoughts brought by Portuguese
traders and Dutch colonists. Indonesia is a collectivist society that puts greater importance
on the group rather than on individuals. The basic principles which guide life include the
concepts of mutual assistance or ‘gotong royong’ and consultations or ‘musyawarah’ to arrive
at a consensus or ‘mufakat’. Derived from rural life, this system is still very much in use in
community life throughout the country.
Almost all of the islands of Indonesia
have their own dance styles, but those
best known are from Bali and Java.
Dance and drama are practically
inseparable, and performances are
almost always accompanied by
gamelan music. Dancers take their art
very seriously and practice for endless
hours, usually from childhood, under
the oversight of an expert.
Indonesian gamelan music is the best
known Indonesian music. This
instrumental ensemble music played
on a variety of metal pots, gongs, and
drums (the word gamelan refers to the
collection of instruments themselves)
is a blend of exotic harmony and tone.
Said to have been created by a
Javanese king in the 3rd century, the
gamelan has retained its ceremonial
function in the royal courts of Java and
Bali, while evolving into a modern folk